Ages 9+ Classes – “Stars”
[frame src="" width="300" lightbox="on" title="All-Stars/Rock Stars" align="left" ] These classes are for dancers looking to either embark on or continue their dance education. We offer individual classes in Jazz, Tap, Lyrical and Ballet technique. Academy Ballet is strongly encouraged as
[frame src="" width="285" height="IMAGE_HEIGHT" lightbox="on" title="Jazz" align="left" ] Jazz is a high energy class focused on developing strength and flexibility, correct alignment, and coordination all while improving technique to help students enhance their leaps, jumps and turns. The goal is
[frame src="" width="300" height="IMAGE_HEIGHT" lightbox="on" title="IMAGE_TITLE" align="left" ]Tap develops rhythm and sound coordination skills in an upbeat class. The goal is to develop tap dancers that are equally strong musicians, dancers, and performers. Dress Code: Dance appropriate clothing is required such as:
[frame src="" width="300" height="IMAGE_HEIGHT" lightbox="on" title="Hip Hop" align="left" ]This high energy Hip-Hop class is a funky, stylized approach to jazz that encompasses hip-hop movements from styles such as popping, locking, and breaking. It is designed to teach rhythm, coordination, musicality
All new TDA!
I hope you join me on this new adventure! I am very excited to begin this. More to come . . .
Join us for our 2012-2013 Company Informational Meeting & Auditions!!
Meeting - Minis/Petites - Thursday, May 10th 6:45pm - 7:30pm
Meeting - Juniors/Teens/Seniors - Thursday, May 10th 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Auditions will be held at TDA the weekend of June 7th (Thursday, Friday & Saturday)! More info will be given at the meeting!
Company is our highly accredited competitive team. TDA’s Company comprises our most dedicated & talented dancers.